At Visible we ask you to check in twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
Our morning check-in is nice and straightforward. We will ask you to complete two tasks as soon as possible after you wake up. We would advise these are best done from bed.
Many invisible illnesses make good quality sleep a challenge. Therefore the first thing we will ask you to rate your sleep quality on a scale of Excellent to Terrible.
You will then be prompted to take your morning HRV reading. Follow the simple instructions on your device to do so.
When taking HRV readings consistency is key, they should be taken in the same place at the same time (if possible). We have included an option to set as reminder. To get an accurate Pace score we need you to take your HRV regularly. If you want to learn more about HRV, HRV readings and why we take them in the morning click here.
The final stage of your Morning check-in is to receive your Pace score for the day. This will give you an idea of how much energy you have for the day ahead. It will also give you an indication of your resting heart rate and heart rate variability in the morning .
Our evening check-in is a bit more involved. It asks you to log information on 4 distinct areas. Once you have done this four times you will be able to view your data.
We will ask you to rate the symptoms you have selected at enrolment on a scale of 1 (None)-5 (Severe) for the day. We appreciate that symptom severity can vary over the course of a day so we ask you to consider your symptoms at your worst.
We will ask you to rate your level of exertion over the course of the day in three areas:
-Physical exertion
-Cognitive exertion
-Stress levels
For a further explanation of why we consider these three types of exertion please click here.
Periods can be linked to symptom exacerbation and relapses in some with invisible illness. We therefore ask our female users to log whether they are on their period to allow them to track the impact of their period on their symptoms.
We will double check whether you are continuing the therapeutics you added at enrolment. You can configure these in settings.